Kreps, J. et al. (2002)

Kreps, J. et al. “Transcriptome Changes for Arabidopsis in Response to Salt, Osmotic, and Cold Stress”. in  Plant Physiology (2002). 130: 2129 – 2141.

     This study was done to test which genes respond to environmental changes in salt concentration, osmotic stress, and cold stress. The purpose was to identify which genes were of potential importance in each of the three stresses. 2,409 genes were identified overall from the combination of the results of the three stresses. These genes had greater than a 2-fold change when compared to the control. 30% of the transcriptome is sensitive to regulation of a common stress signal, but the majority of changes in the gene is stimulus specific. Gene At5g52310 had the largest induction under all three stress treatments. The study also found that a stress response was observed in 86% of the known circadian controlled genes, which supports the hypothesis of the important function of the circadian clock to predict certain stresses, like a cold night.

Osakabe, Y. (2014)

Osakabe, Y., et al. “ABA control of plant macro element membrane transport systems in response to water deficit and high salinity”. in  (2013). New Phytologist (2014). 202: 35-39.

This article is a review on the signaling cascade induced by ABA in times of osmotic stress. It reviews the role of ABA in water deficit or high salinity in plants in relation to a plant’s ability to adapt to adverse conditions resulting from climate change (elevated temperatures and increased drought). Environmental stimuli activate ABA to initiate a complex signal transduction pathway. The pathway results in a stomatal response, a shift in metabolism, and the expression of many stress-response genes. ABA is an adaptation that controls the internal water status of plants during conditions that cause osmotic stress. Increased levels of ABA causes the stomata to close, thereby reducing the gas exchange rate and reduced photosynthetic activity. The review also goes into detail on which transporters and channels are involved in the signaling transduction pathway of ABA that helps modify the plants’ tolerance.

Setha, S. (2012)

Setha, S.”Roles of Abscisic Acid in Fruit Ripening”. in Walailak Journal. 9(4): 297-308.

This review is on a study done to see the role of ABA in fruit ripening. Although ethylene is known for its role in the ripening of fruits, studies have shown that ABA levels also increase as a fruit ripens. This occurs in both climacteric (a ripening that is accompanied by a peak in respiration and an existing burst of ethylene) and non-climacteric (where respiration has no significant changes and ethylene production remains low). The review suggested the importance of this knowledge in fruit production and ABA’s potential medicinal applications in human diseases, such as cancer and inflammatory diseases. The study of the role of ABA in fruit ripening is important because application of ABA to fruits may be beneficial in improving fruit quality and in increasing health benefits. The study being reviewed had also shown that ABA was involved in ethylene and respiratory metabolism, pigment and color changes, phenolic metabolism, nutritional contents, cell wall metabolism, fruit softening, and sugar and acid metabolism.

Sharp et al. 2000

Sharp, R.E., LeNoble, M.E., Else, M.A., Thorne, E.T., and Gherardi, F. 2000. Endogenous ABA maintains shoot growth in tomato independently of effects on plant water balance: evidence for an interaction with ethylene. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1575 – 1584.

The shoot growth of ABA-deficit tomato plants were measured to see if the reduction of growth was caused independently from the water balance of the plant. Flacca and notalilis were grown in controlled humidity to so that the water potentials of the leaves equaled the water potential of the well-watered tomato wild-type. All of the growth parameters of the plants were impaired or significantly reduced. Tests showed that the flacca plant made a considerable recovery once exogenous ABA, this however did not improve water potential. The exogenous ABA restored the leaf expansion by 75%. The results showed that normal levels of endogenous ABA are needed for leaf expansion as well as regular shoot development in well‐watered tomato plants. This was also caused independently from the effects of the plant water balance.

Jess Gibbons

Munns et al. 1993

Munns, R. and Sharp, R.E. 1993. Involvement of Abscisic Acid in Controlling Plant Growth in Soil of Low Water Potential. Journal of Plant Physiology 20: 425 – 437.

Hormones are important for stimulation growth (root: shoot) ratio of plants in water deficit soils. Particularly, ABA is well-known for its reaction to water stress in plants. ABA acts differently in plants planted in dry soil versus wet soil. It promotes root growth and shoot inhibition in dry soil to conserve as much water as possible. Whereas, in wet soils it inhibits both root and shoot growth. The role of ABA in long-distance signaling is unclear in regards to the root: shoot growth ratio. The concentration of ABA found in the xylem can affect stomatal conductance but are too low to affect leaf growth. However, in drought conditions, leaf expansion takes precedence over stomatal conductance. This could be due to the fact that ABA is carried through the xylem in a complex form or that there is another factor in the xylem that promotes leaf expansion separately from the effects of ABA.

Jess Gibbons

Pellegrineschi et al. 2004

Pellegrineschi, A., Reynolds, M., Pacheco, M., Brito, R.M., Almeraya, R., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., and Hoisington, D. 2004. Stress-induced expression in wheat of the Arabidopsis thaliana DREB1A gene delays water stress symptoms under greenhouse conditions. NRC Research Press 47:493-500.

Many plants such as maize, rice, and wheat are susceptible to water deficit and since water is the limiting factor in plant productivity this creates a huge problem. Genetic engineering is attractive because of its potential to improve abiotic stress tolerance more rapidly. Transcription factors, such as DREB1A, have been shown to produce multiple phenotypic changes, many of which are involved in stress responses like dehydration. DREB1A has been shown in Arabidopsis thaliana to play a crucial role in promoting the expression of drought-tolerance genes. This study placed the A. thaliana DREB1A gene under the control of a stress-inducible promoter and transformed into the genome of bread wheat. The plants expressing the DREB1A showed less damage and water stress than the plants not expressing this gene after 10 days under optimal greenhouse conditions.

Jess Gibbons

Mills et al. 2001

Mills, D. , Zhangb, G., and Benzionia, A. 2001. Effect of different salts and of ABA on growth and mineral uptake in Jojoba shoots grown in vitro. Journal of Plant Physiology 158: 1031-1039.

ABA and different saline levels were tested in the shoots of jojoba clones. The shoots were exposed to the different salinity levels in vitro to study the shoot elongation, node production, leaf length, and weight. It also looked at the accumulation of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, and SO4^2-, which resulted in the chloride ion reducing all growth parameters in salt-sensitive clones. The chloride ion had no adverse effects on the salt-insensitive clones. ABA concentrations were lower in salt-sensitive plants than salt-tolerant which correlated with the similar shoot growth of plants in chloride salinities. However, chloride salinity did promote leaf expansion in both tolerant and sensitive plants. The results show that the salt sensitivity of jojoba clones is somehow correlated to the plants sensitivity to ABA.

Jess Gibbons

Aroca et al. 2008

Aroca, R., Vernieri, P., and Ruiz-Lozano, J.M. 2008. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Lactuca sativa plants exhibit contrasting responses to exogenous ABA during drought stress and recovery. Journal of Experimental Biology 59: 2029-2041.

Abscisic acid seems to promote the gene expression in plants that results in the symbiosis of arbuscular mycorrhizal and plants; this helps the plant deal with water deficit better. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of AM symbiosis and exogenous ABA (since it has yet to be studied) on plant development, physiology, and expression of several stress-related genes after both drought and a recovery period. The results showed contrasting data between the exogenous ABA on AM and non-AM plants. The exogenous ABA in AM plants seemed to protect the plant from any physical shoot deficit that would normally be brought on by drought. The AM plants, however had a decrease in ABA content when the exogenous ABA was added, which also led to a decrease in stress marker production of genes Lsp5cs, Lslea, and Lsnced. This was opposite for the non-AM plants that showed an increased ABA content and expression of those stress marker genes in the presence of the exogenous ABA. The results indicate that AM plants regulate their ABA levels better and faster than non-AM plants, allowing a more adequate balance between leaf transpiration and root water movement during drought and recovery.

Jess Gibbons

Pepper et al. 2007

Pepper, A, Morse, A, Guinel, F.2007. Abnormal root and nodule vasculature in r50 (sym16), a pea nodulation mutant which accumulates cytokinins. Annals of Botany. 99: 765-776.

The purpose of the study was to examine the R50 (sym16) pea nodulation mutant. This mutant exhibits high levels of cytokinins, fewer and shorter lateral roots and fewer nodules. Cytokinins have been shown to affect vascular development, and so the mutant vasculature in the primary and lateral roots was compared to that of the wild-type. To do this, the primary root and first-order lateral roots were transversely sectioned at differing locations and ages in the two strains. Root and stele diameters were measured, vascular poles, numbers of vascular strands and tracheary elements in the strands were counted. There was a correlation between nodule length and number of tracheary elements in strands. The R50 mutant had more vascular poles in the primary root, and fewer vascular poles in the first-order lateral roots. The mutant also has altered vasculature in the nodules.

Transport, Synthesis and Catabolism of Abscisic Acid (ABA) in Intact Plants of Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis L.) under Phosphate Deficiency and Moderate Salinity

Jeschke, W., Andreas Peuke, John Pate, and Wolfram Hartung. “Transport, Synthesis and             Catabolism of Abscisic Acid (ABA) in Intact Plants of Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis L.) under Phosphate Deficiency and Moderate Salinity.” Journal of Experimental Botany             48.314 (1997): 1737-747.

This experiment investigated ABA in castor bean plants living in soil with various environmental stresses. It is common that an environment with one stress will have others as well, such as salinity with lower nitrogen. Plants grown under insufficient amounts of phosphate had lower amounts of ABA present in the xylem. However, these plants did not show any change in ABA within the leaves when compared to the control. Plants with added salinity, similar to phosphate deficient plants, had an increased amount of ABA in the roots. Contrary to the plants grown with a lack of phosphate, salinity plants had a greater amount of ABA in the leaves. As shown in this experiment, younger leaves acted as a sink of ABA whereas adult leaves were a source.

Merissa Misiura